Sales Training Blog

Below, you’ll find some sales related articles that cut to the heart of pressing, urgent, and costly problems that affect real businesses – like yours. These are all available free, and you’re welcome to share them with your staff, colleagues, and contacts.

You Get All Of Your Business From Referrals? Awesome.

All from referrals? Wow, that’s really awesome. It’s a great thing. Still, let me throw out the following for your consideration:

  • Could you do even better if you engaged in just a wee bit of marketing or lead generation? (You don’t need to do better? Ok, I hear you. That’s impressive.)
  • Would you like to be more in control of your flow of business? Referrals are awesome, but you are basically waiting for them to come your way – aka being reactive – not exactly the best way to grow your business.
  • Is it possible that some of your referral sources might dry up by either retiring, changing jobs or careers, going out of business or hooking up with another business resource and splitting their referrals with them?

So back to this being awesome. Of course, it’s wonderful to have a flow of business that comes your way from raving fans but it can be risky too. My suggestion is to mix in some proactive outreach to not only ensure the flow of business that you want but to also keep your business development skills fine-tuned; after all, you never know when you will have to deploy them at full strength.

In the meantime, enjoy those referrals.

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