Wanna stay visible and not spend a boatload of money? Here’s how: 1. Content is king but not BS content or boring content or content that always brags about “you.” Content that educates, informs and engages all of the senses works best. 2. Pick up the freakin’ phone and make a call! Not a text, […]
Tag Archives: business prospecting
Why Selling Isn’t Different During Covid19
Selling now, selling then and really, it’s not all that different. The pandemic is different. It sucks. No more wasted space on that. But selling. Didn’t we always: Create solutions that could help our clients derive value, benefits and improvements. Provide creative ways to execute solutions in such a way that our clients could “afford” […]
Let’s Hear It For Routines
Let’s hear it for routines. I tend to get up each morning at the same time as I did pre-Q, read the paper, have my first cup of coffee, down that lemon water, shower and and get dressed. It’s all pretty quick and I do it early. Then I get down to business. Here’s my […]
3 “No BS” Ways to Increase Business Right Now
Is your business doing well? Regardless if you feel that you or thriving, or merely, surviving, here are three tips to help you build the business right now: 1) Be flexible, creative and make an offer that people WANT. Don’t be rigid and stick to what you’ve always done before; old tricks just might not work. Do […]
A Case of TMI (Too Much Information)
Cyber-introductions can be a time-efficient and effective way to bring two people together and start the networking ball rolling. When you are on the receiving end of a cyber introduction follow these simple guidelines: Don’t ignore it. Sounds crazy but there are folks that are on the receiving end of an introduction and do not […]
Time Is On Your Side
I’m sure you’re aware that we are counting down to the end of 2017. Sure there is still time to pull through some new business and perhaps up-sell some of your existing clients but for the most part things will start winding down soon enough. By now you should be able to assess whether or […]
A Lawyer & CPA Cannot Make a Business Successful. Clients Can!
As a sales consultant and trainer for the last 30 years I’ve watched many people launch new businesses. Some have succeeded, others have failed. It’s been a terrific journey and I’ve taken away many valuable ideas that I’ve been able to put to work in my own company; such is the good fortune of consultants. […]
WOW Your Client or Else

Isn’t this the truth? We spend inordinate amounts of time prospecting and trying to win new clients yet significantly less time nurturing and WOWING these same clients in order to retain and grow their business. It’s an endless cycle for many businesses. You prospect like crazy and win some new business and then before too […]
3 Simple Ways to Win More Sales
W I N W: Want. Fact. You must want the business enough to take every action that you can in order to close the sale. Going half way these days will never work. Be smart and strategic so that you may stand apart from the competition and win the business. Halfway doesn’t work, persistence is […]
20 Things You Can Do To Build Business NOW
1. Reach out to 5 dormant accounts 2. Make 5 prospecting calls each week 3. Become more active on social media 4. Ramp up your networking 5. Create an ebooklet and use it as a lead magnet 6. Do content marketing 7. Develop a group of networking power partners 8. Cross sell your existing clients […]