Wouldn’t it be easier, and certainly faster, if all we had to do to get what we want was to say shut up and dance with me. That might work when you want to find your next dancing partner but as for getting your next new client, having an existing client expand their business, reactivating […]
Tag Archives: Adrian Miller Sales Training
In Sales, “Different is Better Than BETTER”
With a Little Help From My Friends
Are you in business? If so you know how tough it can be. Sure the highs are high (there is nothing so great as winning a new piece of business after pitching your heart out) but the lows can set you reeling (5 years of doing exemplary work and the client decides they want to […]
You’ve Had Lunch, Now What?
Did you meet an interesting individual at the last networking lunch? Or, maybe you were recently introduced to someone at a neighbor’s party who could very well be a viable prospect. In these networking-focused times, you’re probably introduced to lots of people at a variety of formal networking events, informal get-togethers, and through online sources. […]
Maybe It’s Not the Sales Rep After All
As a sales trainer I go into many companies to work with their sales teams. I’m rarely called in when things are stellar but rather when there is a problem or at least a perceived problem. Sales aren’t coming in, reps aren’t prospecting, no one can close…you get the picture. Before I do anything or […]
Big (Sales) Girls Don’t Cry
Big girls don’t cry over: Prospects that ultimately say “no” Clients that decide to reduce their retainer Vendors that raise their fees Networking intros that “go south” Nope. Big girls don’t do that. Here’s what they do: They go out and assertively find more prospects using some of those time-proven techniques like phone and […]
You Just Keep Me Hanging On
http://http://youtu.be/t3bjMtqpGBw You just keep me hanging on. There isn’t a sales rep in the world that doesn’t know the feeling. I’m thinking about it. I’m meeting with my partners. We have to check the budget. Not now; maybe later. And on and on. Of course most of us “seasoned” sales reps know what to say […]
Ya Never Know
Jumping out of an airplane. Swimming with sharks. Eating 2-day old sushi. All risky. Spending 20-30 minutes having a cup of coffee or a scheduled telephone call with a potential networking contact? Not risky at all. If that’s the case then why is it that so many people go to networking meetings and events […]
For Greater Sales: Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Hit me with your best shot. Networking introductions, cold calls, reconnects…how much time do you have anyway to make that all important connection and get the contact interested in hearing more? 3 seconds, 20 seconds, 1 minute…you tell me. We live in a Blink era in which people make decisions in an incredibly short amount […]
You Had Me at Hello

Speech is a powerful thing. Not just the spoken words themselves and what they mean when strung together. How we say something, appropriately timed, with certain actions and feelings – well, that speaks volumes. At this start of the new year it is beneficial to reflect on how you sound so that you may get […]