Some people have an inexplicable amount of good luck. Even during tough times, they’re successful in their careers, finances, and their personal lives without seemingly having to overcome the adversities that plague most of us. They don’t appear to be smarter or more talented, but they do seem to be blessed with some force of […]
Tag Archives: sales calls
3 Quick Sales Tips to Make You Sell Better
So c’mon, let’s get real. First quarter is OVER and we are now embracing Spring and Q2. How’d you do in Q1? Are you where you need to be? Regardless of whether or not your sales are soaring or your stats are flat, do these things now: Pick up the phone. Call 3 to 5 […]
Sales Calls on 12/27? You Betcha!

So we’re winding down the year and in just a few days it will be the New Year. Lots of folks are already on vacation, if not physically, then mentally and I guess that’s a good thing. I’ve been taking it a bit easy as well but one thing I haven’t done is slack off […]