http:// You just keep me hanging on. There isn’t a sales rep in the world that doesn’t know the feeling. I’m thinking about it. I’m meeting with my partners. We have to check the budget. Not now; maybe later. And on and on. Of course most of us “seasoned” sales reps know what to say […]
Tag Archives: sales
More Customers, More Often – 7 Tips to Get it Done
I’m all about getting more customers and when I read this article on the Small Biz Technology website I just knew that I wanted to repurpose it here! I also got to learn about Belly. Check it out…awesome! Now…from Sarah Reilly Engel, VP of Merchant Success at Belly, a loyalty rewards company for retailers: It […]
Sales and Swimming: How to Be Better at Both

I went to the local beach this weekend. First time this summer and I had a grand time watching the waves as well as the people cautiously, carefully, almost fearfully approach the water. You see it’s early in the season and the water is still very cold and given that the air temperature isn’t all […]
Fear of Closing
Ah the dreaded closing. Why is that? There are books on it, presentations on it, consultants have built their entire practice around the topic…closing. For me (and hey this is my blog and so it’s kind of about me…sorry!), closing is simply the next, most natural step in the sales dance. It doesn’t necessarily have […]
Tough (Sales) Love

Sometimes we need to deal out a bit of tough love. Tough love to get the kids launched and out of our nests and into their own. Tough love to confront someone with the truth about their less-than-healthy habit/s that are eroding their overall well being. Tough love when we need to take away the […]
Counting Your Sales Chickens and All That

This ever happen to you? You go in and do a new business pitch and you nail it, plain and simple. The participants are with you every slide, every word, every well rehearsed statement designed to evoke a laugh in exactly the right places. You walk out on cloud 9 or well, whatever cloud has […]
I'm Back…and Back to Sales Basics Too

Happy New Year. I was away for a week (New Orleans…awesome place) and now I’m back and raring to get going and make 2014 a stellar year. So, I’m back…and back to sales basics because truly, basics are where it is at. The plain truth is that if you don’t have your fundamentals down cold, […]
Sell Smart or Don't Sell At All

The old cliche “no one likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy” is as true today as it was when it was first uttered. Being sold conjures up certain negative images: The pushy car salesperson that gets their teeth into your neck and doesn’t let go. The telemarketer that hounds you until you […]
Sales Prospecting: Bah Humbug

Yep it’s that season. Making a list and checking it twice…Um, not a holiday gift list but a list of which sales efforts you are going to implement in 2014. Did sales prospecting make the list? It should! Many of us have fallen victim to the promise and seduction of social media. Post a status […]
In Business Ya Got To Have Friends, Right?

You Got To Have Friends!!! I have personal friends and I have clients. Some of these clients are also my friends but I make it a point to distinguish between the two for I have seen first-hand just how ugly it can be when friendship gets in the way of good business…and vice versa. […]