Sales Training Blog

Below, you’ll find some sales related articles that cut to the heart of pressing, urgent, and costly problems that affect real businesses – like yours. These are all available free, and you’re welcome to share them with your staff, colleagues, and contacts.

In Sales Two Hearts Are Better Than One

Okay, so I’m not all that sure about the heart thing because for certain this isn’t a posting. What I am certain about is the fact that although prospects will tell you what they NEED, they usually act on what they WANT, and the plain truth is that when WANT enters into the situation, there’s the pull and tug of emotion at play and, well, their heart and your heart best be in sync.

People make decisions based on what they want. They’ll move out of their comfort zone, incur greater expense, go to greater lengths if they WANT what you are providing.

Need?  Mmm, not so much.

We need things sure but we often come up with a way to “make due” or even convince ourselves that the need isn’t truly “real” or all that important.

But, want…want gets our juices flowing, gets us excited and well, we work harder for the wants rather than the needs in our lives.

The best way to persuade a prospect, to get them to see that what you are offering is the answer to their WANTS is to probe carefully and exquisitely enough so that you have the answer to that all important question:  “what do they want?”

Jump ahead too quickly, start to communicate about needs (yawn) and you will potentially lose out in the very first round.

So get your heart in sync with theirs; understand their wants and relate everything that you offer and everything that you can provide to these stated wants.

You’ll find it much easier to win the business.

For instance:

  • Most women don’t NEED a new pair of shoes; they WANT a new pair.
  • Most people don’t NEED a new car (the one they have works just fine); they WANT a new car.
  • Most families don’t NEED new furniture; they WANT new furniture.

Got it?!




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